Friday, November 5, 2010

rough draft 1

Biggest Liar: the Corn in the Room
Draft 1

Karina Garcia
5 November 2010

Abstract:  This research paper takes on the topic of food in the sense that it no longer is pure and simple, yet it is biochemically engineered to appear a certain way by adding certain chemicals and ingredients that help boost shelf life or help bring in the cash flow.  I will reveal the crop of lies that encumbers our food, and remove the veil of ignorance because as consumers we have the right to know the truth.  The secrets they are hiding, once revealed can change the diet of Americans forever, because what they don’t want you to know is that you have the power as the consumer to vote on your food, three times a day.

            Since, a young age I have loved food, the taste, the smell, and the sight.  Though I never considered that some of my food had been created and engineered to look and be a certain way, I didn’t know that the beef I was probably consuming had mostly fat and no nutrition value.  I also didn’t know that because I love white meat chicken better than dark meat, that chickens were being mass -produced with larger breasts. Of course, as I matured I grew to understand that eating fast food, was bad because it made you fat, and that I couldn’t eat candy and treats everyday. This was accepted, to be healthy you had to avoid junk food and exercise regularly. But, is this enough to be healthy, the food industry would like me to answer yes. Though the right answer is definitely not, to be a truly healthy individual functioning at your intended God given capacity, you need to consume a certain percentage of raw foods that will elevate your intake of vitamins and minerals. Also, you should stick to a strictly organic diet, to avoid eating so much corn which has begun to dominate the American diet. Right about now, you might have begun to be confused, what you say, raw foods and organics? Corn, I don’t eat very much corn. Though you shouldn’t fret, the veil will be lifted, no matter what America will know the truth because they cannot lie to us forever.
            Walk into any ordinary American supermarket and without much effort you will quickly find yourself immersed in a land of deceit, the label reads “heart healthy”, but in fact it most likely has the opposite effect. This is because although some ingredients may be tuned to promote heart health, the 14 g of sugar on the label will produce the opposite effect, thus making you think your eating well, when you really are not. Similarly products advertising for whole wheat were free of the healthy grain. “Just a few days ago, a survey conducted by the John Tung Foundation discovered that out of a random sample of over 400 food products claiming to be "whole grain" or "whole wheat," 10 percent was completely devoid of the healthy ingredients”(anonymous). Food companies are blatantly lying to us to purchase their products, but what is confounding is how they are getting away with it when the “The Agriculture Department and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on November 6 issued regulations providing for the most sweeping reforms in food labeling in 50 years. The regulations provide guidance for implementing the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990. The new labels, scheduled to appear on products in stores in May 1993, were to provide reliable information about the nutritional content of food.” To avoid the laws companies find loopholes in the system, since sugar is difficult to calculate for nutritional value the FDA does not include it in part of the process, thus allowing food companies a major loophole.
            During the Great Depression consumers look to find good quality affordable meals, this happened around the time that McDonalds restaurants started to advertise the all American meal. The demand for their product was very high, so the ever growing company began to find new ways to make products last and to make production faster, make protein sources and produce fatter, and make everything cheaper. This slowly growing epidemic grew by this foundation the underlying factor always being money. Food companies began to produce high fructose corn syrup, which helped to boost shelf life, and make the product look and taste better, though they knew its effects on the human body, they didn’t have a second thought, what did they care that they were giving their customers heart disease and higher cholesterol. They also began using a cheaper alternative oil to fry their French fries in: palm oil, a saturated fat. Apart from using unhealthy ingredients fast food companies began to grow so large and powerful, and they used their power as the top purchaser of proteins such as: beef, pork, and chicken, to help them control the system. They began growing chickens twice as big in half the time and similarly in beef the cows were being bread for 5 months when before they took 4 to 5 years to reach their full size. This seems almost impossible, but as companies learned about the potential of corn, corn rose to power and infected thousands of products from apples to chickens.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Karina Garcia     
October 23,2010

My paper will cover the reasons for obesity in America. Starting with fast food, then technology, and also the dangers of the grocery store: hormones, palm oil, corn syrup, and strategic placement.  Also, I will discuss a reasonable  plan for change to reduce obesity.

63.1% of Americans are obese. However America is a country that is considered to be affluent and well- developed, shouldn't they be able to distinguish themselves as unhealthy and lose weight. Easier said then done, today's capitalists have found ways to make money off of making American's fat. The why is easy: profit, the how is more complicated; but it will be my sole mission to discover the truth: Why is America obese?

It has been said that obesity is linked to low-income because of the higher priced grocery store items, and the ridiculously cheaply priced fast-food meals; yet America is an overall affluent country so why is 63% of the population affected by this disease? Perhaps little Tommy doesn't want to play ball instead he prefers a little down time with his new PS3. Perhaphs Big- Joe down in corporates decided to add way to much palm oil to those potato chips to increase shelf life or perhaps Ronald McDonald is able to fish in all those consumers with his All- American goodness and satisfyingly low prices. Regardless, of why we are obese, the one fact that applies to obese Americans is that it is a severe condition that could significantly deteriorate your health, and should thus be   avoided at all costs.

I. Intro
A. in an affluent country why are we obese?
B. fast food
C.lack of excersise, excess of technology
D.trickery in grocery stores

II. Fast Food
A. why it came to be
B.why it is bad
C. why we consume it
D.why we should not

III. Technology
A.  when it came to be
B.why it is bad
C. why there is an excess of use
D why we shouldnt

IV. Grocery Store
A. why they are used(hormones, high fructose corn syrup, palm oil)
B. why they are bad
C. why we consume it to avoid it, why we should not

V. Plan of change
A. no fast foof
B. excersise regularly
C. mental health( gastric bypass surgery)
D.healthy diet

Monday, October 18, 2010

annotated bibliography

I'm very interested in discovering the real reason as to why most of Americans are obese especially since we are an affluent country, does this mean obesity only effects poor people or are rich people fat as well? In order to figure this out I think it is important to understand what obesity truly is and this article really helped to explain what is considered obese and the causes and effects. So I consider this a great beginning in the quest to discover and write about this most interesting topic.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Last Friday, during my first period class, humanities, we were given a quest.  A quest for knowledge, the objective, be the first to complete the worksheet and finish the assignment. I was then assigned my partner, and handed the instructions. To complete the task we needed a computer, we waited the long process of logging on. I reviewed the instructions, first we had to google the san diego public library and access their files. After much impatient waiting, the computer loaded fully, my partner typed his password, and we were in. As fast as possible we reached the website, then we put in our code, and accessed the correct location to search for the proper criteria. Overall, it was pretty hard looking for some of the things we needed and we ended up running out of time.:C.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Idyllwild Hike

On Monday, my junior team and I went on a journey through the woods of Idyllwild. My day started with some instant Starbucks coffee, which I must say apart from convenient is rather delish. Then, I hurriedly got in to the car, drove to school, waited, then, reinstated myself back in to the car, driven by my Math teacher and accompanied by several classmates. The drive was about 2 and a half hours, we wasted time by singing, playing weird guessing games,  and watching the Incredibles( to which I know most every line). Finally, after our bottoms were sore, we arrived at Idyllwild. A quaint little town, with the essentials: convenience store, Mexican restaurant, and information center. We stopped here to take care of business, then continued to drive to our destination. Once there, we were give some rations, and presented with a choice; take the easy trail or the intermediate one. I love a challenge, so of course I took the hard one. As soon as we started I started regretting my choice, I was already wary of the trail ahead. The trip up was spent  mostly with a fellow companion, and we stopped frequently to enjoy the view. Eventually after our heart rate was substantially increased as well as our appetites, we arrived to the central area. I ate my Nutterbutter cookies, my Caprisun, my peach fruit bar, and my turkey sandwich. Then we took a few pictures, rested, laughed, enjoyed the scenery, and finally headed back down. Personally, the way day was way easier, and this time I was able to pace myself more because I was not so anxious to reach the top, as before. This allowed me to take my time and listen to the sounds of the surrounding environment, and it was very soothing to relax and take a deep breath and not focus on the fast-paced life I am accustomed to. Eventually, I reached the bottom, very sore, but pleased that I was able to hike 4 miles through a rocky mountain.