Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Idyllwild Hike

On Monday, my junior team and I went on a journey through the woods of Idyllwild. My day started with some instant Starbucks coffee, which I must say apart from convenient is rather delish. Then, I hurriedly got in to the car, drove to school, waited, then, reinstated myself back in to the car, driven by my Math teacher and accompanied by several classmates. The drive was about 2 and a half hours, we wasted time by singing, playing weird guessing games,  and watching the Incredibles( to which I know most every line). Finally, after our bottoms were sore, we arrived at Idyllwild. A quaint little town, with the essentials: convenience store, Mexican restaurant, and information center. We stopped here to take care of business, then continued to drive to our destination. Once there, we were give some rations, and presented with a choice; take the easy trail or the intermediate one. I love a challenge, so of course I took the hard one. As soon as we started I started regretting my choice, I was already wary of the trail ahead. The trip up was spent  mostly with a fellow companion, and we stopped frequently to enjoy the view. Eventually after our heart rate was substantially increased as well as our appetites, we arrived to the central area. I ate my Nutterbutter cookies, my Caprisun, my peach fruit bar, and my turkey sandwich. Then we took a few pictures, rested, laughed, enjoyed the scenery, and finally headed back down. Personally, the way day was way easier, and this time I was able to pace myself more because I was not so anxious to reach the top, as before. This allowed me to take my time and listen to the sounds of the surrounding environment, and it was very soothing to relax and take a deep breath and not focus on the fast-paced life I am accustomed to. Eventually, I reached the bottom, very sore, but pleased that I was able to hike 4 miles through a rocky mountain.

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